lauantai 23. syyskuuta 2017

I got accepted in Shutterstock and my first sale in Adobe stock

Nine out of ten of my pictures that was sent to get approved just got me in to Shutterstock. That means that now I have two microstock sites to contribute at!

I'm still waiting answer from Stocksy, that is more like premium stock site and only accepts 500 photographers a year to get in, so keeping my thumbs up.

Couple days ago I woke up in the morning to see email of my first sale, whohoo, 0.25€ so not anything spectacular by itself but it's a start for something greater I hope. I only need 400 sales a month to get 100€ :D  

Well girl can dream. I will keep updating what will happen in the future and tell you more about that suspect when I get more experience and maybe succes.

Stay tuned!

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